Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Introduction Video

    3. Introduce Yourself!

    4. Class Schedule

    5. CMW Beginning of Class Survey

    6. Pro-Test Test Tiles and Silicone Mold

    7. New for 2025! CMW Launches Courses and Workshops on the Thinkific App!

    1. Introduction

    2. CMW Methodology

    3. Ardvark - Coleman ∆10

    4. Armadillo Clay-Buffalo Wallow ∆5-6

    5. Clay Art Center - Akio Midrange ∆5

    6. Clay Art Center – DIGI 10 Popular B-Mix - ∆10

    7. Clay Art Center – English Grolleg ∆10

    8. Clay Art Center – NZ10 Porcelain ∆10

    9. Clay Art Center – Oregon Red - ∆5

    10. Clay Art Center - Paper Clay (Grolleg) Cone 4-6

    11. Continental Clay – Buff Stoneware - ∆6-10

    12. Continental Clay – Buff Stoneware with Ocher ∆6-10

    13. Continental Clay - Grolleg Porcelain - ∆8-10

    14. Kentucky MudWorks – Tony Beaver - ∆5-7

    15. Laguna – Buff WC351 - ∆5

    16. Laguna – Soldate ∆10

    17. Laguna – WC 379 B-Mix - ∆10

    18. Laguna – WC 401 B-Mix - ∆5

    19. Laguna – WC 402 Half and Half ∆5

    20. Laguna – WC 420 Redstone - ∆5-6

    21. Laguna – WC 422 Whitestone ∆5

    22. Laguna – WC 617 -16 Porcelain ∆6

    23. Laguna - WC 631 Miller Porcelain - ∆10

    24. Paoli Clay – Don’s Special Mix (DSM) ∆8-10

    25. Seattle Pottery Supply – Columbia White ∆8-10

    26. Seattle Pottery Supply - Eclipse Cone 5

    27. Seattle Pottery Supply – Flameware ∆8-10

    28. Seattle Pottery Supply – Kenzan Porcelain ∆8-10

    29. Seattle Pottery Supply – Sculpture Buff - ∆8-10

    30. Seattle Pottery Supply – SP 844 Sea Mix ∆10

    1. Introduction to Clays

    1. Printing to One Page

    2. Capturing Images

    1. Lab 1

    2. Drying Clay Samples

    3. Making a Plaster Slab

    1. Studio Performance

About this course

  • $600.00
  • 65 lessons