Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Introduction Video

    3. New for 2025! CMW Launches Courses and Workshops on the Thinkific App!

    4. Introduce Yourself!

    5. Class Schedule

    6. CMW Beginning of Class Survey

    7. Pro-Test Test Tiles and Silicone Mold

    8. Downloads for Chapter

    1. Hangout Link and Information

    2. Week 1 01.29.25 8pm

    3. Week 1 01.30.25 10am

    4. Week 2 02.12.25 8pm

    5. Week 2 02.13.25 10am

    6. Week 3 02.26.25 8pm

    7. Week 3 02.27.25 10am

    8. Week 4 03.12.25 8pm

    9. Week 4 03.13.25 10am

    10. New Date: Week 5 03.24.25 10am

    11. New Date: Week 5 03.25.25 8pm

    1. Introduction

    2. CMW Methodology

    3. Ardvark - Coleman ∆10

    4. Armadillo Clay-Buffalo Wallow ∆5-6

    5. Clay Art Center - Akio Midrange ∆5

    6. Clay Art Center – DIGI 10 Popular B-Mix - ∆10

    7. Clay Art Center – English Grolleg ∆10

    8. Clay Art Center – NZ10 Porcelain ∆10

    9. Clay Art Center – Oregon Red - ∆5

    10. Clay Art Center - Paper Clay (Grolleg) Cone 4-6

    11. Columbus Clay #217 Mather Porcelain - ∆8-10

    12. Continental Clay – Buff Stoneware - ∆6-10

    13. Continental Clay – Buff Stoneware with Ocher ∆6-10

    14. Continental Clay - Grolleg Porcelain - ∆8-10

    15. Highwater Clay Buncombe White -∆3-6

    16. Highwater Clays Desert Buff -∆4-6

    17. Highwater Clays Ellen Buff -∆4-6

    18. Highwater Clays Little Loafers -∆5-6

    19. Highwater Clays P-10- ∆8-10

    20. Highwater Clays P-5(A) - ∆5-6

    21. Highwater Clays P-5(B) - ∆5-6

    22. Highwater Clays Speckled Brownstone -∆4-6 Submission A

    23. Highwater Clays Speckled Brownstone -∆4-6 Submission B

    24. Kentucky MudWorks Sheltowee - ∆5-7

    25. Kentucky MudWorks – Tony Beaver - ∆5-7

    26. Laguna #900 - ∆10 Reduction

    27. Laguna B-3 Brown WC391 - ∆5

    28. Laguna – Buff WC351 - ∆5

    29. Laguna – Soldate ∆10

    30. Laguna – WC 379 B-Mix - ∆10

    31. Laguna – WC 401 B-Mix - ∆5

    32. Laguna – WC 402 Half and Half ∆5

    33. Laguna – WC 420 Redstone - ∆5-6

    34. Laguna – WC 422 Whitestone ∆5

    35. Laguna - WC 616 - ∆5-6

    36. Laguna – WC 617 -16 Porcelain ∆6

    37. Laguna - WC 631 Miller Porcelain - ∆10

    38. Paoli Clay – Don’s Special Mix (DSM) ∆8-10

    39. Rocky Mountain Clay ZAM Super Body - ∆6-10

    40. Rovin Ceramics RO-82M Terracotta with Fine Grog - ∆06-6

    41. Seattle Pottery Supply – Columbia White ∆8-10

    42. Seattle Pottery Supply - Eclipse Cone 5

    43. Seattle Pottery Supply – Flameware ∆8-10

    44. Seattle Pottery Supply – Kenzan Porcelain ∆8-10

    45. Seattle Pottery Supply – Sculpture Buff - ∆8-10

    46. Seattle Pottery Supply – SP 844 Sea Mix ∆10

    47. Sheffield T-6B Stoneware Clay ∆5-6

    48. Standard Clay Company #112 Brown Clay - ∆4-6

    49. Standard Clay Company #130 ∆10

    50. Standard Clay Company #182 White Stoneware Clay - ∆6-10

    51. Standard Clay Company #182G ∆10

    52. Standard Clay Company #257 Grolleg Porcelain - ∆8-10

    53. Standard Clay Company #259 Stoneware Clay - ∆6-10

    54. Standard Clay Company #266 Dark Brown - ∆4-6

    55. Standard Clay Company #306 - ∆10 Reduction

    56. Standard Clay Company #365 English Porcelain - ∆6

    1. Introduction to Clays

    2. Downloads for Chapter

    1. Printing to One Page

    2. Capturing Images

    1. Lab 1

    2. Drying Clay Samples

    3. Making a Plaster Slab

    4. Downloads for Chapter

About this course

  • $600.00
  • 119 lessons