The Middle Glazes - Español
CourseUn estudio en profundidad de los esmaltes de Temperatura Media. También conocidos como Cono 6 o Cono 5-6, estos esmaltes tienen una de las temperaturas de cocción más populares en cerámica. Pueden ser hermosos, atractivos, atractivos e increíblemente
$40 / 3 months
Glaze of Our Lives
CourseGlazes can be an intimidating subject! What comes out of the kiln is not the same thing that goes into it, and why we get what we get can often seem to be a perplexing mystery. $100 pricing option includes lifetime access.
The Middle Glazes
CourseAn in-depth study of Mid-Temperature glazes. Also known as Cone 6 or Cone 5-6, these glazes are one of the most popular firing temperatures in ceramics. $150 pricing option includes lifetime access.
Glazed and Confused: Understanding the Unity Molecular Formula
CourseUnderstanding the Unity Molecular Formula is a short workshop exploring the mysteries and learning how we use the U.M.F. to make our studios the best they can be. $50 pricing option includes lifetime access.
CMW Workshop Bundle - Glazed & Confused, Glaze of our Lives, Middle Glazes
BundleEnroll in all 3 of CMW's Workshops and Save! We have bundled our students favorite workshops together. Glaze of Our Lives, The Middle Glazes and Glazed & Confused. $250 pricing option includes lifetime access.